Weaver GP38-2 Project Overview

These two locos have sat at the back of the Sebastopol Shops for ages after arriving on the property. Parts and other resources simply weren’t available to complete their rebuilds for one of the Hunter Valley’s Shortline Subsidiaries. Their current locomotives have soldiered on admirably, but now is the time to complete these rebuilds and update that shortline’s fleet.

Sid Tappet, the workshop manager, has been given the green light and both locos will soon be moved to the front of the works for attention, where they’ll become HVL units 381, and 382.

382 is the furthest along at the moment, with rebuilding work going on apace. Both are in pieces and there is a fair amount of work required to bring them back to life. They should come together pretty fast, however. The aim is to get them running on DC to break them in, before converting them to DCC with sound sometime in 2022.

Keep coming back to this section and follow their rebirth and story. Dave ‘Crank’ Shaft our mechanical Foreman will be posting updates on the projects as they move along.

Each locomotive has it’s own project page as linked below:

HVL GP38-2 #381, and

HVL GP38-2 #382


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